Give to the Max Day report back!
The Almanac extends a giant “Youbetcha we thank you” to all those who generously donated during last Tuesday’s “Give to the Max Day” charitable event. You helped us raise over $1,200 in individual donations plus matching grant funds from board members of the Saint Paul Almanac for a total of $2,426 in just 24 hours! Thank you for saying that so many of you love and value our community-building literary campfire. We simply could not do this without your support. If you still want to donate, surf over to our homepage and use the donate feature on the front page. Your generosity is how we can afford to give 2000 students in the Saint Paul school system their own copy of the Almanac!
Our friends at Metro magazine included the Saint Paul Almanac in a Twin Cities Survival Kit in their November issue!
METRO EXPLAINS WHY IT INCLUDED THE ALMANAC: Because Minneapolis has traditionally hogged the glory when it comes to art and culture. This book lists events for nearly every day of the year and includes short stories and vignettes from St. Paulites like Desdamona and Garrison Keillor.
Saint Paul Almanac coming events!
The Saint Paul Almanac continues its year-round literary celebration of Minnesota’s capital city with the acclaimed Lowertown Reading Jams
The entire 2010–2011 season will be presented at the Black Dog Café, a popular Saint Paul venue for spoken word artists, and a co-sponsor of the series. Matthew Rucker hosts the next jam on Monday, December 13th, 2010.
The Saint Paul Almanac‘s “Celebration through Stories” readings are ongoing until early December in coffee shops around the city
The event series features contributors to the Saint Paul Almanac reading their pieces from the 2011 edition. We’re working on getting video from some of these readings up! Coming dates include:
- Amore Coffee (Nov 29th)
- Grumpy Steve’s Coffee (Dec 4th)
See our Celebration through Stories event page for more information. For other upcoming event listings, check out our Saint Paul Calendar at
New Almanac writing from 1 adult and 2 kids!
PEOPLE: A Trio of Saint Paul Storytellers
By Steve Trimble
Groundbreaking urban historian Richard Wade always told his students, me included, that the true feel of cities was more likely to be found in literature than in scholarly works. That holds true for this metropolis and can be demonstrated through the works of three Jewish writers who grew up in Saint Paul. They had somewhat similar early experiences, but told their stories in different manners—humorous, serious, and nostalgic—and eventually traveled different paths. One thing the trio has in common, however, is the fact that they are still well worth reading. Read more.
BARS, RESTAURANTS & CAFES: A 12-year-old reviews Mickey’s Diner
By Mariela Consuela Cole
Have you ever been to Mickey’s Diner? Well, I have. The first time was about four or five years ago. But I remember it clear as day. It looked like a house trailer. When we got there, I was amazed by how small but cool it was. I went inside, and everyone was nice, joyful, polite, and seemed like they were always in a great mood. We got a booth by the window. Read more.
BARS, RESTAURANTS & CAFES: An 11-year-old reviews Lady Elegant’s Tea Room
By Amanda Baden
“My favorite place in Saint Paul is Lady Elegant’s Tea Room. Lady Elegant’s Tea Room is special to me because that’s where I had my first cup of tea.” It’s fun to go there because in the back of the room is a wall lined with hooks. On each hook is a different hat. One hat in particular is special to me. That hat is red velvet with a fingertip veil in the front and three red bows on top of each other on the side. I wear it every time I have tea there with my mom, and it’s my favorite. Read more.
Happening in Saint Paul
Hmong New Year
RiverCenter, Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul
November 26th-28th, 2010
Hmong New Year celebrates its 34th year in Minnesota! Taking place at Saint Paul RiverCentre on Friday, November 26 – Sunday, November 28, you won’t want to miss this cultural event. The event includes entertainment from various singers and dancers, a beauty contest, wonderful shopping (including a variety of unique clothing) and delicious ethnic foods.
Saint Paul Facts: We got ’em, now you know ’em
DID YOU KNOW? March 1, 1881: Minnesota’s first capitol building in Saint Paul was destroyed by a fire.
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Stay in touch and tell your friends. Please join our email list. Sign up in the red box on the right column of every page on this site. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter. Use the share links on this page to let your contacts know about material on our site.
Buy the Almanac. You may have a copy, but do all your friends? Or your enemies? Scientific studies have shown that prolonged reading of the Saint Paul Almanac increases both longevity and quality of life, and reduces general crabbiness! Visit our online store.
Donate to the Almanac. The Saint Paul Almanac builds community through providing forums—in print, online, and at events around the city throughout the year—to share our individual stories. Every year, 2000 students in St. Paul’s public high schools receive a free copy of the Almanac. Your donation of $25 will help pay a poet, essayist, or short story writer, or make an almanac available to two Saint Paul Public School students. The Saint Paul Almanac is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and donations to our mission are tax-deductible. If you love Saint Paul as much as we do, and recognize the value of the Almanac, help us get it out there with a generous donation. Donate online now at
Top of Page rain clouds panorama photo courtesy of Peter Ladd. Visit Peter’s photostream on Flickr. State capitol building photo courtesy of Nick Busse. Visit Nick’s photostream on Flickr.