On December 1st, the Saint Paul Farmers’ Market’s winter market opens, following the end of the fall season.
Open every Saturday (except March 16th) from 9 a.m.–1 p.m., the market offers both an outside location—in the regular market at 4th and Wall Street—and an inside location, in Golden’s Deli.
You may be tempted to think not much is still being produced by local farms during the winter, but the Saint Paul Farmer’s Market’s winter version offers a not inconsiderable variety and quantity of food during the chilly months:
Outside you will find a huge variety of meats, bakery items, honey and cheese. Inside will be maple syrup, salsa, strudels, hot sauces, honey, barbeque sauces and rubs, chocolates, pickles and other pickled items, mushrooms, bakery items, and more.
Featured Video: Mike Hazard & the Saint Paul Farmers’ Market
Lowertown resident and regular Saint Paul Almanac contributor Mike Hazard fell in love with the farmers’ market and has spent a considerable amount of time documenting the market with photos and paying tribute to the life that flows through the brick-floored community hub in poetry. In this SPNN video, Mike reads some of his poems about the Farmers’ Market which have been published in the Almanac, including A Pint-Sized Child:
More information
Visit the Saint Paul Farmers’ Market website at www.stpaulfarmersmarket.com