“Sally Dixon is the Goddess of Film,” asserts digital artist Bonita Wahl.
A dancer with Kairos Dance Theatre, a cultivated soul, and a legendary angel for artists of all sorts, Sally was one of the first curators of avant-garde film in America. She exhibited pioneering experimental works by the likes of Stan Brakhage, James Broughton, Carolee Schneemann, Robert Breer, and Kenneth Anger at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Museum of Art during the 1960s. She also helped many moving-image artists make new films.
Walker Art Center film curator Sheryl Mousley recently asked our friend, “When you were in the midst of curating experimental film in the 1960s and ’70s, did you recognize how special it was?”
“I did,” Sally responded. “I felt we were riding the crest of the wave. It couldn’t have failed, no matter what. I was one of the paddlers, and it was very important to me to keep getting my paddle in that water. I was taking great joy in doing it.”
The photographer Ricardo Bloch commented on this photo, “One hundred percent present, as is always the case.”
“Sally is my totem!” curator and independent editor Lucy Flint states.
Mike Hazard decided to make a picture story of a person every day for a year, posting them on Facebook in an album called 365 Friends. He’s had so much fun, he can’t stop. He is a current recipient of an Artist Initiative grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. With Legacy funding, he will click photos within walking distance of home for a collection called LOCAL COLOR.