Winter Wonderland and the Hunt for Treasure
By Brie Goellner ● 2011
The scramble begins. The quickest gets the matching gloves. Snowsuit on . . . wool socks on . . . boots on . . . I just need a hat and gloves. A lone glove lies on the wood floor in the entryway. Where’s its mate? Hats, scarves, and mismatched gloves fly out of the wicker basket. “Ah ha!” It sits at the bottom calling to its twin. I’m ready, we’re set, let’s go! We pile into the minivan, shovels in the back. The best part about searching for the Winter Carnival medallion isn’t the digging. No, at age eight I prefer to lie in the snow or sit and watch the people shoveling around us.

Gathering in St. Paul 40 years after Selma, the speakers’ arms pump and flail; the voices of the preacher and senator ring out and we step into the stream like revelers, cheerful on the buoyant morning, walking the half-mile from Central High School to Concordia College.

Still Life, St. Paul
By Carolyn Williams-Noren ● 2011
On the coldest day of the year, a man stepped onto the 21 bus carrying a vase of lilies, shell pink, tall as a child in his arms. He sat behind the driver with the flowers in his lap.

New Year
By Donna Isaac ● 2011
On the south shoreline of the Mississippi in Saint Paul one black eagle breaks the tree line...