The steady drum beat.
The high trilling voices.
The whipping colors
of the people.
The soft stomping of
moccasins upon the earth
matching the shush-shush
shuffle and swish of regalia.
Laughter springs up quickly
and spills everywhere
with the oooooh smells of
frybread and tacos. Ummm.
The precise layer of
clothing with every feather
placed so that all is presented
the right, good way.
Greetings and chin nods
say it all to friends, neighbors,
and even those who are
the “up ’n’ coming.”
The shimmer of sun, the
whistle of breezes together
pair for a perfect, blessed
long day until the night.
Ho-wah! Gotta get to the
49 or maybe see if I can
visit a bit longer before
it all ends so beautifully.