Kinda clammy, kinda wet,
the goldfish kinda needs a vet.
A little pale and looking ill,
the doctor thinks she needs some pills.
The pills won’t do, get a knife,
he’ll operate and save her life.
Too late, too late, she’s looking worse,
hurry, someone call the hearse!
No, stop the hearse, we’ll keep her here
and fry her in some battered beer.

Kurt Schultz lives on Saint Paul’s Eastside with his wife, Karen, and their puggle, Elliott. Inspired by Lewis Carroll, Kurt penned a small collection of nonsense poems enjoyed by children and adults alike. “Pet” is the shortest of these poems.
Art By:
Christopher E. Harrison is a fine artist, public artist, and designer. He has exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally. An arts educator at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, he has received grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, and the Jerome Foundation. Christopher creates paintings, drawings, and sculpture in his North Minneapolis studio.
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