TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, November 16th – Sunday, November 22nd, 2015
November 15, 2015
As the real world continues to creep closer than nostalgic comfort, one might engage in the tendency to hide. We can pretend that the lines drawn on our geographies will keep us safe and sane, but our hearts have always been more porous than walls and fences. We can hide, or we can engage and shake the truths out of the confusion. Art helps.

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, November 2nd – Sunday, November 8th, 2015
November 1, 2015
Each week, I share some great things to do in this great town. We have some great ways to connect with our neighbors and friends and what it means to be in Saint Paul. They are suggestions. It is great if you can do some of them, but sometimes life is just too busy. But there is one thing I really urge you to do if you live in Saint Paul on Tuesday. VOTE!

TWISP | This Week In Saint Paul: Monday, October 19th – Sunday, October 25th, 2015
October 19, 2015
How many more Saint Paul authors will win literary prizes this year? Two weeks ago, we were talking about Julie Schumacher winning the Thurber Prize for American humor. Last week, Macalester College professor Marlon James won the Man Booker Prize.

Springtime in Minnesota
April 30, 2012
In the spring of 1994, I was a writer in residence for Consortium of Associated Colleges in the Twin Cities. This meant that participating campuses would house me for seven days, and during this time I would do individual and group writing critiques, a workshop, and a formal reading for the entire campuses at St. Thomas University, Macalester College, Augsburg College, Hamline University, and College of St. Catherine.